

The Central State Hospital Redevelopment Authority (CSHLRA) is a special purpose political unit of the State of Georgia created to revitalize and re-purpose the 2,000 acre Campus of the Central State Hospital in Milledgeville, Georgia. The Authority is chartered with bringing life back to the Campus through an array of economic development tools while establishing strategic partnerships locally, at the State of Georgia and at the Federal level of government. The CSHLRA has re-branded the campus as Renaissance Park for business purposes. 

The CSHLRA has been successful in establishing initial stakeholders who have made significant investments in the campus. As businesses have moved into Renaissance Park, investment and job creation have continued to grow resulting in significant benefits for Milledgeville and the surrounding communities.


To redevelop the Central State Hospital campus as a green, thriving, integrated campus environment that will appeal to clients who will then continue to invest in Renaissance Park and the community.


To develop long term strategies for repurposing the former Central State Hospital campus by identifying potential business opportunities and coordinating the development of the property with a focus on job creation, education, and real estate value for the community.